Metallomechanical Precision Industry

We have established a compromise with our clients, always preserving the principle of Quality, and in the respect of the essential triad: Price,
Quality and Delivery Terms.

Who We Are

We develop our activities with competence, responsibility, honesty and transparency, privileging the maximization of quality in all products.

Fercor aims to maintain a cordial and effective partnership with partners by promoting the development of best available techniques to satisfy all interested parties.

What We Do

Precision works for Aeronautics, Automobile, Tobacco, Food Industry, Electronics, Cement, Packing Paper and much more ...


Means of control

In today’s ever more demanding and informed society, FERCOR recognizes the importance of bringing a varied and high-quality product... read more

AS9100 Certification: 2016-Quality Management, Aviation, Aerospace and Defense

Congratulations! We obtained the certification EN9100: 2016 – Aerospace series – Quality management systems read more

Welcome to the Fercor website

In today’s ever more demanding and informed society, FERCOR recognizes the importance of bringing a varied and high-quality product... read more